When Grief Invades Your Dreams

Tips for a restful sleep: 6 Easy Ways to Find Rest

I’m typically one who requires the recommended eight hours to function. But, even though it has been nine months since I’ve lost my kiddo to cancer (read our story here), I’ve only recently started waking up every night at about 3AM. Sometimes it’s 1:00AM and others it might be 4:30, but not near late enough for me.

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And when I wake, my brain is ready to go, even if my eyes are not. Some nights, memories start to flood in from our last few days with Cooper and the tears start flowing. Other nights my thoughts are anything from, what can I clean without waking someone up to what new air fryer recipe am I going to try today…super annoying.

Be still in the presence of the Lord
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I know I’m not alone in this place of grief and sleeplessness. So I’m on a journey to find some solutions… Cause a working momma has gotta sleep.. for everyone’s sake.

Most nights I’m completely guilty of using my phone until I close my eyes. If you struggle with the “No devices two hours before bed” (haha) then use the screen to help promote sleep not destroy it.

Tips for a restful sleep

1. Find a Meditation App or Video

Abide is my favorite bedtime app for meditation. It often sends me off to sleep while listening to Bible stories. There is an app that you can download here and it has a few freebies or there is a paid subscription. Or you can find some of Abide’s mediation sessions on YouTube. But unless you are a YouTube subscriber you can’t lock your screen without it shutting off.

Christian Guided Meditation for Healing and Pain

Sleep Meditation for Clearing Anxiety

2. Just Breathe

Many nights/mornings when I’m wide awake but my body is saying, “don’t get up, don’t look at your phone!” I ignore it and fall into a habit of scrolling through Facebook at 3:37 am and I say, “just 23 more minutes..” sound familiar? (only to see 4:37 am roll around).

Try taking 5 minutes to focus on your breathing. Redirect the spinning or memories or even just the grocery list thoughts by counting your breaths. This can trigger your body’s response to natural relaxation response. muscles, relax & heart rate slows and can prepare you for re-entering the dream world. To help focus on your breathing, try counting your breaths backward. Kinda like a cross between going under w/ anesthesia and counting sheep. If your mind is racing, start at 20 and court down both inhales and exhales.

Too much? Then just focus on taking longer exhales than inhales. Exhaling can also trigger relaxation in your body.

3. Body Scan

Another approach to finding some zzz’s is to do a guided meditation setup talk down otherwise known as a body scan for sleep. If you google body scan for sleep. you more than likely will find a plethora of options on YouTube.

Here are a couple of my favorites.

Sleep Meditation with Body Scan

Sleep Meditation with Body Scan 2

But, I’II be honest, what works for me, may not work for you. There are some voices/accents that I love and others that..um, I just can’t. Some may be more story-based and others just a focused relaxation of different areas of the body to calm yourself. I encourage you to find one that works for you.

4. Have a conversation with the loved one you are missing

I’ll admit, this is a tough one for me because it was my 12-year-old. At first talking to him felt so unnatural but eventually, I found it calming.

If talking isn’t an option, keep a notebook by the bed and write to your loved one about whatever is weighing heavy at that moment, or about the day. There are no rules.

When my grandmother passed away years ago I would imagine myself meeting her in a garden to talk. That was her favorite place. I would play out our conversation before I drifted off. Many times it carried on, to my dreams even if it was for just a moment. It was such a blessing.

5. Find a bedtime routine that works for you

Readying yourself for sleep the 30 min prior to going to bed can often make a big difference in the success of your sleep.

There are a few habits you can do prior to closing your eyes that can help you stay asleep.

  • Take a hot shower & use moisturizer – I use in-shower moisturizer to save on time. During my time in the shower, I often turn on my sleepy playlist and close my eyes in the hot water.
  • Spend some time with Jesus, read a devotion and pray.
  • Use a weighted blanket to help calm the nerves and promote a healthy sleep.
  • Diffuse essential oils to promote sheep
  • Drink a sleepy time tea
  • Try a melatonin

6. When all else fails, call in the troops

When all else fails, it is time to call in the troops for additional help. Because, my friend, you have to take care of you before you can take good care of anyone be else. Speak with your health provider about your sleeping issues and what next steps to take to get you on your way back to slumber.

Another option is to see a therapist. They often can help you identify the specifics of not sleeping and help you to work through them so you can find your zzz’s.

This journey of grief can be a one of trial and error when it takes you into an unhealthy area. Every day can bring on new emotions, stresses, and anxieties that can disrupt your sleep habits. But, continue to know that you are a gift to those around you and taking care of yourself is important for you and the ones you love.
